Summer School in Mathematics

Institute of Mathematics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
June 17 – June 21, 2024

Contact us


Postal address:
Institute of Mathematics
Eötvös Loránd University
Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C
Budapest, Hungary 1117

Join us on Facebook!


Address of the university: 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C

Payment information

Please note that the university is not able to refund the registration fee in case of cancellation. Therefore we suggest that you start the payment only when your decision about participation is final.

Fee: EUR 120 (USD 135) from February 1 to May 20, EUR 170 (USD 190) from May 21 to June 7

To: A Matematika Oktatásért és Kutatásért Alapítvány
Bank: OTP
Swift code: OTPVHUHB
Account: 11701004-20233604-00000000
IBAN: HU46 1170 1004 2023 3604 0000 0000
Comment: <Name of participant> SSM2024

Please, send us a note when you initiate your payment so that we could confirm the receipt of the transfer in due time.

Cancellation policy

  1. As mentioned earlier, we are unable to send back the transferred registration fee even if you have to cancel your participation for medical reasons or for travel restrictions affecting your entrance to Hungary. However in this case you may use your fee to cover the registration cost of another participant. Please, let us know if you would like to ask for such an arrangement.
  2. The organizers would like to reserve the right to cancel the event if the extternal circumstances would warrant such measures. In this case we will try to refund the participants by sending back the registration fee (within a month). However we will ask each participant to apply for such remibursement individually and let us know the account number to which the money should be sent back. — If cancellation seems to be unavoidable, we would inform participants about this by May 15.