Department of Probability Theory and Statistics

Postal address:1518 Budapest, Pf.120
Address:1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C
Administrator:Klaudia Szalay
Phone:(+36 1) 3722500/8102
Fax:(+36 1) 381-2152
Web page:


Ágnes Mariann Backhauszassistant professor
József Borbélyassistant professor
Balázs Csanád Csájiassistant professor
Villő Csiszárassistant professor
Balázs Gerencsérassistant professor
László Márkusassociate professor
György Michaletzkyprofessor emeritus
Vilmos Prokajassociate professor habil.
Miklós Rásonyiassociate professor habil.
András Zempléniassociate professor

Former faculty

Imre Csiszárretired full professor
Miklós Kornyikassistant professor
Antal Kovátsretired associate professor
Tamás Móriassociate professor
Tamás Prőhleretired assistant
István Szabóretired associate professor