Math PhD Theses

The Doctoral defenses of Doctoral School of Mathematics and all the theses can be found (since 2002) on the homepage of


  • Endre Csóka: Sampling and local algorithms in large graphs (PDF version, 5506 KB). (Summary).


  • Júlia Pap: Integrality, complexity and colourings in polyhedral combinatorics (PDF version, 1045 KB). (Summary).



  • Attila Bernáth: Edge-connectivity augmentation of graphs and hypergraphs (PDF version, 6776 KB), (Summary).
  • Péter Elek: Nonlinear time series models and their extremes, with hydrological applications (PDF version, 820 KB).
  • Sándor Kiss: Additive representation functions (PDF version, 421 KB).
  • Tamás Kurics: Operator Preconditioning in Hilbert Space (PDF version, 996 KB).
  • Zoltán Szabadka: Globally rigid frameworks and rigid tensegrity graphs in the plane (PDF version, 742 KB), (Summary).
  • Tamás Terpai: Cobordisms of singular maps (PDF version, 596 KB).
  • László Végh: Connectivity augmentation algorithms (PDF version, 1479 KB), (Summary).


  • Ádám Besenyei: On nonlinear systems containing nonlocal terms (PDF version, 744 KB).
  • Villő Csiszár: Véletlen permutációk statisztikai vizsgálata (PDF version, 858 KB).
  • Gábor Lippner: Multiple-point formulas and their applications (PDF version, 454 KB).
  • Márton Makai: Parity problems of combinatorial polymatroids (PDF version, 756 KB), (Summary).
  • Györgyi Strauber: Crouzeix-Velte Decompositions and the Stokes Problem (PDF version, 591 KB), (Summary).
  • Gergely Székely: First-Order Logic Investigation of Relativity Theory with an Emphasis on Accelerated Observers (PDF version, 1140 KB), (Summary).
  • Vera Vértesi: Legendrian and transverse knots in the light of Heegaard Floer Homology (PDF version, 526 KB).


  • Csaba Mengyán: Constructional methods in finite projective geometry (PDF version, 524 KB).
  • Péter Ligeti: Combinatorics on words and its applications (PDF version, 864 KB).
  • Dávid Szeghy: Lorentz-sokaságok exponenciális leképezései (PDF version, 517 KB).


  • Zsolt Csizmadia: New pivot based methods in linear optimization, and an application in the petroleum industry (PDF version, 1140 KB), (Gzipped postscript version, 1199 KB).
  • Zsolt Fekete: Gráfok és rúdszerkezetek merevsége (PDF version, 1015 KB), (Gzipped postscript version, 479 KB).
  • Alpár Jüttner: Parametric problems in combinatorial optimization and their applications in telecommunications (PDF version, 705 KB).
  • Gábor Kun: Relációhomomorfizmusok bonyolultsága (PDF version, 408 KB).
  • Gyula Pap: A constructive approach to matching and its generalizations (PDF version, 992 KB), (Gzipped postscript version, 481 KB).
  • Jácint Szabó: Graph packings and the degree prescribed subgraph problem (PDF version, 1164 KB).



  • Katalin Gyarmati: On pseudorandom binary sequences (PDF version, 663 KB),
    french résumé (PDF version, 167 KB).
  • Ferenc Izsák: Egzisztenciatételek végtelen késleltetést tartalmazó egyenletekre
    Hibabecslések Maxwell-egyenletek közelítő megoldásához (DVI version, 456 KB), (PDF version, 1346 KB).






  • Marianna Csörnyei: Geometriai mértékelméleti vizsgálatok a síkon és Banach-terekben (DVI version, 239 KB), (Gzipped postscript version, 162 KB).
  • Csaba István Fábián: Stochastic Programming Models for Optical Fiber Manufacturing (PDF version, 821 KB).


  • Vilmos Prokaj: Operator extensions on Hilbert space (PDF version, 303 KB).