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Institute of Mathematics
- Administrator: Klaudia Szalay
- Postal address: H-1518 Budapest, Pf. 120
- Address: Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C, Budapest, Hungary, H-1117. Map
- Office: 3.510
- Phone number: (+36 1) 381 2202
- Ext: 8102
- Fax: (+36 1) 381 2174
- Fax Ext: 8074
- Email:
Phone numbers:
- ELTE operator: (+36 1) 3722500
- Department of Algebra and Number Theory : (+36 1) 381 2145
- Department of Analysis : (+36 1) 381 2151
- Department of Applied Analysis and Computational Mathematics : (+36 1) 381 2157
- Department of Computer Science : (+36 1) 381 21 55
- Department of Geometry : (+36 1) 381 2157
- Department of Operations Research : (+36 1) 381 2169
- Department of Probability Theory and Statistics : (+36 1) 381 2151
- Mathematics Teaching and Education Centre : (+36 1) 381 2169