Faculty, research areas
István Ágoston associate professor | Ring theory, representation theory | |
Tamás Ágoston assistant professor | ||
Gabriella Ambrus associate professor (habil.) | ||
Miklós Arató associate professor | ||
Ágnes Mariann Backhausz assistant professor | random graphs | |
András Benczur assistant professor | ||
Kristóf Bérczi assistant professor | combinatorial optimization, graph theory, approximation algorithms | |
Erika Bérczi-Kovács assistant professor | combinatorial optimization | |
József Borbély assistant professor | ||
Károly J. Böröczky part time full professor | convex and discrete geometry, Monge-Ampere differential equations | |
Zoltán Buczolich full professor | Real Analysis, Geometric measure Theory, Dynamical Systems, Ergodic Theory | |
Bence Csajbók assistant | fiite geometry, finite fields | |
Balázs Csanád Csáji assistant professor | ||
Csaba Csapodi instructor | ||
Balázs Csikós associate professor | differential geometry, geometric inequalities | |
Péter Csikvári associate professor | Extremal and algebraic combinatorics | |
Villő Csiszár assistant professor | statistics on permutations and graphs, algebraic statistics, evolutionary game theory, Markov models | |
Petra Csomós associate professor | numerical analysis, numerical solution of partial differential equations, convergence of innovative integrators, operator semigroup theory | |
Endre Daróczy-Kiss departmental engineer | ||
Márton Elekes full professor | ||
István Faragó professor emeritus | numerical analysis, numerical linear algebra, differential equations, mathematical modelling | |
László Fehér associate professor | topology, enumerative geometry | |
Imre Fekete assistant professor | Numerical analysis, stability, SSP, RK, LMMs | |
Péter Ernő Frenkel associate professor habil. | graph limits, quantum information theory | |
Katalin Fried associate professor | ||
Margit Gémes instructor/master assistant | ||
Balázs Gerencsér assistant professor | markov chains, factor of iid processes | |
Katalin Gosztonyi assistant professor | mathematics education, teaching by guided discovery, series of problems, teaching combinatorics and probability, history of 20th century Hungarian mathematics education, links between teaching and history of mathematics | |
Vince Grolmusz full professor | bioinformatics, combinatorics | |
Katalin Gyarmati associate professor habil. | ||
Zoltán Halasi assistant professor | Group Theory | |
Ágnes Havasi associate professor habil. | ||
Tamás Héger assistant professor | ||
Norbert Hegyvári professor | Additive Combinatorics, Combinatorial Number Theory | |
Ferenc Izsák associate professor habil. | numerical solution of PDE | |
Tibor Jordán full professor | ||
Alpár Jüttner assistant professor | ||
János Karátson full professor | numerical functional analysis, preconditioned iterative solution of elliptic problems, discrete maximum principles | |
Gyula Károlyi full professor | ||
Tamás Keleti full professor | geometric measure theory | |
Tamás Király associate professor habil. | Combinatorial optimization | |
Zoltán Király associate professor | Discrete Math, Theory of Algorithms | |
Tamás Kis associate professor habil. | Scheduling Theory, discrete optimization, approximation algorithms | |
Emil Kiss full professor | General algebras, tame congruence theory | |
György Kiss associate professor habil. | finite geometry | |
Péter Komjáth full professor | set theory, infinitary combinatorics | |
József Korándi assistant professor | ||
Balázs Koren assistant | ||
Géza Kós assistant professor | mathematics | |
Ágnes Kovács master assistant | competing risks Weibull model in reliability theory | |
Gábor Kun | ||
Dávid Kunszenti-Kovács | ||
Takáts Marcella Lőrinczné assistant | ||
András Lukács assistant professor | artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, graph theory | |
Péter Madarasi | ||
Gergely Mádi-Nagy assistant professor | ||
László Márkus associate professor | Stochastic finance, Time series, Spatial statisitics, Design of experiments | |
György Michaletzky professor emeritus | ||
András Sándor Molnár | ||
Gábor Moussong assistant professor | geometric topology, geometric group theory, hyperbolic geometry | |
Zoltán Nagy assistant professor | Extremal combinatorics, Algebraic methods | |
Márton Naszódi associate professor habil. | discrete and convex geometry; computational problems | |
András Némethi part time full professor | ||
Péter Pál Pálfy full professor | group theory, universal algebra | |
Dömötör Pálvölgyi associate professor | Combinatorial Geometry | |
Gyula Pap assistant professor | ||
Tamás Pfeil assistant professor | Analysis | |
Vilmos Prokaj associate professor habil. | probabilty, stochastic processes | |
Miklós Rásonyi associate professor habil. | ||
István Sigray instructor/master assistant | ||
Eszter Sikolya assistant professor | ||
Péter Simon full professor | differential equations, network processes | |
Gábor Somlai assistant prof | Group Theory | |
Csaba Szabó full professor | didactics of mathematics: the theory and the psychology of learnig mathematics | |
Szilárd Szabó associate professor | ||
Dávid Szeghy assistant professor | semi-Riemannian geometry, general relativity theory | |
Péter Székely | ||
Péter Sziklai full professor | ||
Róbert Szőke full professor | Several complex variables | |
Tamás Szőnyi full professor | finite geometries, symmetric structures, codes | |
Zsigmond Tarcsay associate professor habil. | functional analysis, operator theory | |
Tamás Terpai assistant professor | algebraic and differential topology, singularity theory, topological methods in combinatorics, graph limits | |
Árpád Tóth associate professor habil. | ||
Lilla Tóthmérész assistant professor | ||
Éva Valkó master assistant | ||
Ödön Vancsó associate professor habil. | Didactics of Mathematics, Stochastics, History of Mathematics Education, Complex Mathematics Education | |
Eszter Varga | ||
László Varga | ||
Zoltán Vidnyánszky | ||
Viktória Villányi assistant professor | ||
Gergely Wintsche assistant professor habil. | teaching of matrhematics, teaching tools-textbooks, teaching of probability theory and statistics,. discrete geometry | |
Gergely Zábrádi associate professor | algebraic number theory, p-adic Langlands programme, Iwasawa theory | |
András Zempléni associate professor | extreme-value models, resampling, industrial statistics |