Faculty, research areas

No photoIstván Ágoston
associate professor
Ring theory, representation theory
No photoTamás Ágoston
assistant professor
No photoGabriella Ambrus
associate professor (habil.)
No photoMiklós Arató
associate professor
No photoÁgnes Mariann Backhausz
assistant professor
random graphs
No photoAndrás Benczur
assistant professor
No photoKristóf Bérczi
assistant professor
combinatorial optimization, graph theory, approximation algorithms
No photoErika Bérczi-Kovács
assistant professor
combinatorial optimization
No photoJózsef Borbély
assistant professor
No photoKároly J. Böröczky
convex and discrete geometry, Monge-Ampere differential equations
No photoZoltán Buczolich
full professor
Real Analysis, Geometric measure Theory, Dynamical Systems, Ergodic Theory
No photoBence Csajbók
fiite geometry, finite fields
No photoBalázs Csanád Csáji
assistant professor
No photoCsaba Csapodi
No photoBalázs Csikós
associate professor
differential geometry, geometric inequalities
No photoPéter Csikvári
associate professor
Extremal and algebraic combinatorics
No photoVillő Csiszár
assistant professor
statistics on permutations and graphs, algebraic statistics, evolutionary game theory, Markov models
No photoPetra Csomós
associate professor
numerical analysis, numerical solution of partial differential equations, convergence of innovative integrators, operator semigroup theory
No photoEndre Daróczy-Kiss
departmental engineer
No photoMárton Elekes
full professor
No photoIstván Faragó
professor emeritus
numerical analysis, numerical linear algebra, differential equations, mathematical modelling
No photoLászló Fehér
associate professor
topology, enumerative geometry
No photoImre Fekete
assistant professor
Numerical analysis, stability, SSP, RK, LMMs
No photoPéter Ernő Frenkel
associate professor habil.
graph limits, quantum information theory
No photoKatalin Fried
associate professor
No photoMargit Gémes
instructor/master assistant
No photoBalázs Gerencsér
assistant professor
markov chains, factor of iid processes
No photoKatalin Gosztonyi
assistant professor
mathematics education, teaching by guided discovery, series of problems, teaching combinatorics and probability, history of 20th century Hungarian mathematics education, links between teaching and history of mathematics
No photoVince Grolmusz
full professor
bioinformatics, combinatorics
No photoKatalin Gyarmati
associate professor habil.
No photoZoltán Halasi
assistant professor
Group Theory
No photoÁgnes Havasi
associate professor habil.
No photoTamás Héger
assistant professor
No photoNorbert Hegyvári
Additive Combinatorics, Combinatorial Number Theory
No photoFerenc Izsák
associate professor habil.
numerical solution of PDE
No photoTibor Jordán
full professor
No photoAlpár Jüttner
assistant professor
No photoBoldizsár Kalmár
assistant professor
Global singularity theory, low-dimensional topology
No photoJános Karátson
full professor
numerical functional analysis, preconditioned iterative solution of elliptic problems, discrete maximum principles
No photoGyula Károlyi
full professor
No photoTamás Keleti
full professor
geometric measure theory
No photoTamás Király
associate professor habil.
Combinatorial optimization
No photoZoltán Király
associate professor
Discrete Math, Theory of Algorithms
No photoTamás Kis
associate professor habil.
Scheduling Theory, discrete optimization, approximation algorithms
No photoEmil Kiss
full professor
General algebras, tame congruence theory
No photoGyörgy Kiss
associate professor
finite geometry
No photoPéter Komjáth
full professor
set theory, infinitary combinatorics
No photoJózsef Korándi
assistant professor
No photoBalázs Koren
No photoGéza Kós
assistant professor
No photoÁgnes Kovács
master assistant
competing risks Weibull model in reliability theory
No photoGábor Kun
No photoDávid Kunszenti-Kovács
No photoTakáts Marcella Lőrinczné
No photoAndrás Lukács
assistant professor
artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, graph theory
No photoPéter Madarasi
No photoGergely Mádi-Nagy
assistant professor
No photoLászló Márkus
associate professor
Stochastic finance, Time series, Spatial statisitics, Design of experiments
No photoGyörgy Michaletzky
professor emeritus
No photoAndrás Sándor Molnár
No photoZoltán Nagy
assistant professor
Extremal combinatorics, Algebraic methods
No photoMárton Naszódi
associate professor habil.
discrete and convex geometry; computational problems
No photoAndrás Némethi
No photoPéter Pál Pálfy
full professor
group theory, universal algebra
No photoDömötör Pálvölgyi
associate professor
Combinatorial Geometry
No photoGyula Pap
assistant professor
No photoTamás Pfeil
assistant professor
No photoVilmos Prokaj
associate professor habil.
probabilty, stochastic processes
No photoMiklós Rásonyi
associate professor habil.
No photoIstván Sigray
instructor/master assistant
No photoEszter Sikolya
assistant professor
No photoPéter Simon
full professor
differential equations, network processes
No photoGábor Somlai
assistant prof
Group Theory
No photoCsaba Szabó
full professor
didactics of mathematics: the theory and the psychology of learnig mathematics
No photoSzilárd Szabó
associate professor
No photoPéter Székely
No photoPéter Sziklai
full professor
No photoRóbert Szőke
full professor
Several complex variables
No photoTamás Szőnyi
full professor
finite geometries, symmetric structures, codes
No photoZsigmond Tarcsay
associate professor habil.
functional analysis, operator theory
No photoTamás Terpai
assistant professor
algebraic and differential topology, singularity theory, topological methods in combinatorics, graph limits
No photoÁrpád Tóth
associate professor habil.
No photoLilla Tóthmérész
assistant professor
No photoÉva Valkó
master assistant
No photoÖdön Vancsó
associate professor habil.
Didactics of Mathematics, Stochastics, History of Mathematics Education, Complex Mathematics Education
No photoEszter Varga
No photoLászló Varga
No photoZoltán Vidnyánszky
No photoViktória Villányi
assistant professor
No photoGergely Wintsche
assistant professor habil.
teaching of matrhematics, teaching tools-textbooks, teaching of probability theory and statistics,. discrete geometry
No photoGergely Zábrádi
associate professor
algebraic number theory, p-adic Langlands programme, Iwasawa theory
No photoAndrás Zempléni
associate professor
extreme-value models, resampling, industrial statistics